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Need some inspiration? No problem, here are some ideas:



  1. Running

  2. Home workouts (I recommend Lilly Sabri...)

  3. Bike tours

  4. Dance classes

  5. Badminton

  6. Football (learn a specific trick?)

  7. Basketball

  8. Juggling

  9. Kickboxing 

  10. Jiu Jitsu 

  11. Skateboarding 

  12. Swimming

  13. Start a club (e.g. for ultimate frisbee)

  14. Walking/hiking

  15. Join a gym

Creativity (note that all of these need some kind of creative output):

  1. Knitting 

  2. Juggling 

  3. Learn an instrument (Piano, Guitar, Flute…)

  4. Learn a new language 

  5. Write a song

  6. Learn a song with friends

  7. Choreograph a dance 

  8. For the engineering lovers: build something (a small machine?)

  9. Make a podcast

  10. Make a short film

  11. Paint 

  12. Embroidery 

  13. Cook/ Bake

  14. Pottery

  15. Sew some clothes (or thrift flip some old pieces!)

  16. Learn a new sport 

  17. Recycle things in your home

  18. Build some furniture

  19. Urban gardening

  20. Learn sign language 

  21. Driving school 

  22. Online university courses

  23. Teach others a new language

  24. Start a club for people to practice newly learnt languages - this could be combined with service 

Service (most of these are Berlin specific, but there are some online opportunities):

  1. Berliner Tafel 

  2. Berliner Kältehilfe

  3. Amnesty International research project

  4. Tutoring 

  5. Make a project to collect donations for a charity

  6. Deutsches Rotes Kreuz

  7. Do a first aid course

  8. Volunteer at an old people home

  9. Volunteer at the hospital

  10. Help a small charity with their finances

  11. Organise an event such as a silent auction or bake sale for a charity

  12. Help at a call center for mental health

Example experiences: Text
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