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The International Baccalaureate is a demanding school curriculum that requires excellent planning skills and motivation. Many times, throughout IB it is normal to feel overwhelmed and uncertain. These issues may be caused by getting your desired grades or because the number of deadlines is high. It is highly important to make mental well-being a priority to manage the pressure of IB. Here are some top tips for managing stress and workload. Not all of these will apply to you individually, but you may find some helpful.


A clear weekly schedule is beneficial. It is important to study regularly for subjects rather than when a test or exam has just been announced. Studying in this manner allows you to manage your time better and not experience as much anxiety when exam season comes up since remembering all the content is easier. Frequency over length is a key thing to remember in IB. It is far easier to study for twenty-five minutes a day than three hours one night unless you feel a thorough and lengthy study session may be better. This may be if you have a test a few days later. It is also of use to see what type of study method works better. First doing a lot of practice questions to see what you understood and then focus on what you didn't know may help you. This would also alleviate a lot of tension and improve your mental health since you feel more prepared. 

Another important aspect is to have times to properly relax and take time for yourself. You could decide on stopping with your academics after 8 PM to have time for yourself before bed. You may also decide that you have one free day a week where you don't focus on academics. Relaxation and free time are important since without them the workload of IB becomes tough.  


Additionally, if you feel overwhelmed you should try to talk to someone and see if they have any resources that may help you deal with stress and anxiety. Therefore, you will find below:

·       Simple advice to manage each of the situations listed in the sections below

·       A list of resources that may provide more guidance

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  • Plan your evening with 1) the tasks you have, and 2) the time you expect to spend on each task. Having a plan will help you to calm down and you can approach your tasks more calmly and efficiently.

  • When you get an assignment, start working on it as soon as possible. Even if you don´t finish, the progress you know you have made on an essay or similar will help you to reduce your levels of stress.

  • Take breaks. Do something completely unrelated that allows you to take your mind off schoolwork, and get back to your work when you have calmed down.

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  • When you have multiple assignments, prioritise. Organise them roughly by: 1) important and near deadline, 2) important and deadline not near, 3) not important and near deadline, and 4) not important and deadline not near

  • Use a planner or calendar to plan to play your week. This will help you not only to organise each day, but also to plan ahead and distribute your work effectively.

  • Learn from failed time management or organisation experiments. Knowing exactly what you can improve will help you to work more effectively in the future.

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  • Having a schedule is important. Make note of your study time and your `free´ time or breaks. Having a schedule will help you to stay focused on your studies during revision and reduce your stress levels.

  • Try different types of planning if you find it difficult to stick to a schedule or list.

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  • Set a time after which you do not do any schoolwork unless it is absolutely necessary, or set a time at which you go to bed. Sleep enhances your ability to concentrate in class and your ability to absorb and process information.

  • Get `quality´ sleep. For instance, try to be in the deep sleep phase before midnight.

  • Actually go to bed. Don´t use your devices directly before going to bed and don´t read.

  • Wake up at a set time each day, preferably early in the day. Structuring your sleep schedule is important, and it is understandable if you cannot always stick to it. However, try your best to follow the rhythm that suits you as often as possible.

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  • Make sure to study enough in advance. If you space out your studies rather than only having several intense days of study, you will find that you go into the exam more relaxed because you feel more prepared and are less stressed during your revision.

  • Take some time before an exam to calm down. How you do this is up to you, but try to find a method that reduces your stress levels.

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This website is great for ideas on how to manage anxiety and ways to relieve it in a natural way: 

Another website with advice and techniques: 

A way to contact counsellors and people if you are in a time of need: 

This is a website that gives clear advice on how to cope with depression which is often directly linked to anxiety and stress: 

This website is useful for advice on burnouts and depression: 

And finally, another website that may be helpful to you:

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